Sunday, August 12, 2007

Bangladesh Flood Response Update - 12th August 2007


* Total fatalities to date 323 up to 11th August 2007.
* More than 9.5 million people have been badly affected by the floods which has damaged their homesteads, livelihoods and impacted on their health.
* Floods water are receding fast and flood-affected families are gradually returning to their flood-ravaged homes and land.
* 1,000 patients have been admitted to International Centre for Diarrhoeaal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDRB) hospital since Thursday (9th August) midnight till Friday (10th Aug) midnight—the highest number in the 40-year history of the specialized hospital, ICDDRB.
* Approximately 1.5 million acres of agricultural crops (seedbeds, transplanted seedlings, vegetables and standing jutes) are partially or fully damaged, the approximate worth over 150 million BDT.
* 532 educational institutions completely destroyed and 5608 partially damaged.
* 2,817 km roads completely and 17,463 roads partially damaged* Over 89,000 homes completely and over 650,000 homes partially destroyed* Floods waters continue to inundate much of the low-lying eastern part of Dhaka City and many people have taken shelter in government offices and schools. There is a shortage of food, and drinking water. Many people affected by flooding in-city have fallen sick with water-borne diseases.


* The water levels of the major rivers are receding significantly though they are still flowing above danger level. It is expected that within the next three days the level of water will fall significantly.
* The inundation in eastern part of Dhaka City continues and the outbreak of water borne diseases is predicted to be comparatively worse than the rural areas

Emergency Interventions

Government Support:

* The government opened a total of 1,515 shelters in different locations which are now home to approximately 0.36 million people.
* Allocated rice 14200 MT rice and 28 millions BDT.
* Allocated for housing rehabilitation 22.5 millions BDT.
* Continuing dry/prepared food distribution with 10 million BDT and spent 7 million BDT on rescue operation.
* Around 62 government medical teams and a 6 member army medical team are serving for the flood affected people as water-born diseases are spreading fast.

Responses by other NGOs:

* Action Aid has distributed dry food to 6000 families in Jamalpur, Sirajganj and Faridpur districts and has further palns to reach 30,000 families * OXFAM planning to do food grain distribution for 40,000 families* CARE planning to distribute relief to 100,000 families * CLP is distributing dry food in their working areas* Concern Universal is planning to give relief to 11,000 families* World Vision is giving relief to 20,250 families* UNDP is planning to give relief to 91,500 families in two phases* WFP and UNICEF will jointly give relief to 42,495 families * RDRS is planning to give relief to 2,300 families* IFRC is planning to give relief to 116,000 families* Terres des Hommes is planning to reach 16,000 families in Kurigram* ECHO plans to allocate 2 million Euro for the flood response through its implementing partners in Bangladesh. They are inviting proposals from the different partners (INGOS). They have specified the need for the proposals to be very specific in targeting to avoid duplication in work.* WFP plans focus on giving high energy biscuits to families located in Faridpur, Rajbari, Shariatpur and Magura


Country Level Update (numbers updated from 9th August)Since Thursday, 9th August, flood waters have significantly receded and in almost all the rivers that were flowing above danger level are now on the way to receding below danger point, however for water to recede totally, will take at least one-two weeks. As the waters are receding, flood-affected families are gradually returning to their flood-ravaged homes and land.Floods waters continue to inundate much of the low-lying eastern part of Dhaka City and many people have taken shelter in government offices and schools. There is a shortage of food, and drinking water. Many people affected by flooding in-city have fallen sick with water-borne diseases. 1,000 patients have been admitted to International Centre for Diarrhoeaal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDRB) hospital since Thursday (9th August) midnight till Friday (10th Aug) midnight—the highest number in the 40-year history of the specialized hospital, ICDDRB. In all 38- flood hit districts there are severe outbreaks of water-borne disease. Many of the flood-affected are now suffering from water-borne diseases and there is shortage of food and drinking water. Just within 24 hours on 11th August, 4,110 people were diagnosed with diarrhoea. Since 30th July, 323 deaths have been recorded of which 292 drowned, 20 dies of snake bites and seven died of respiratory tract infections.39 of the country's 64 districts in the north, centre and east are affected and over 89,000 homes completely and more than 650,000 homes partially destroyed. Approximately 1.5 million acres of agricultural crops (seedbeds, transplanted seedlings, vegetables and standing jutes) are partially or fully damaged, with estimated value of over 150 million BDT. 532 educational institutions completely destroyed and 5,608 partially damaged and 2,817 km roads completely and 17,463 roads partially damaged.

Government response

The government has mobilised thousands of military, public and private volunteers to distribute relief supplies including dry food and water purification tablets, but a lack of boats has hampered their efforts.
The government has opened 1,515 shelter centres housing about 300,000 people and so far allocated over 70 million taka (6.5 million Euro) for rescue and relief operations. However reports from different districts show that thousands of flood victims are yet to receive any relief due to the inadequate supplies – there is also a severe crisis of drinking water. The government has welcomed initiatives by individuals, donors, international and national NGOs to respond to the crisis created by the floods.

Concern Worldwide Response

Concern has completed its relief response for 11,000 families in Sirajganj, Mainkganj and Faridpur districts. The Country Director visited Sirajganj (3-4 August) and Faridpur (7 Aug). Law advisor Barisster Mainul Hosein inaugurated Concern’s relief operation in Faridpur and commended Concern’s and it’s partners agencies quick response to help the affected people.
Food ration for 15 days will be distributed to 4,000 families within this week. Perfamily ration consists of Rice 30 kg, Pulse 3kg, Oil 2 litre, Salt 1 kg, ORS 5 packets, Soya protein biscuits 10 packets.
High Energy Biscuits supplied by WFP is being distributed to 13,916 families in four districts (Faridpur, Rajbari, Shariatpur and Magura), each family will receive 3kg biscuits as a supplementary food for four days Concern and its partner agencies are monitoring the on-going effect of the floods and are investigating a phase two response with food for 3-4 weeks. 400,000 Euro has already been confirmed from Concern Dublin.
Concern aims to submit a proposal as part of the Phase two action to ECHO early next week for 31,500 families.
Action Contre Le Faim (ACF) have met with Concern Bangladesh and have expressed interest to work with us though our partner NGOs to provide resources to reach safe drinking water to the flood affected families. ACF is a member of the Alliance 2015 and they would definitely complement our 2nd phase response.

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